Saturday, January 29, 2005

A Correction to vII i.4...

In our most recent issue we have failed to properly credit the news sources that we got certain pieces of news from.

The stories in question are on issue 4's "BACK END." They are news summaries taken from different sources.

While we have always been diligent in giving due credit to news and photos, we have faltered in this specific situation. The rest of the paper though is filled with various credits given to authors and photographers. This was an oversight and not a deliberate attempt at dishonest journalism.

There are many instances of papers "relaying news" and this was the attempt of this piece. Normally we would state that "Such and such news agency reported that...." The oversight as we have said was not intentional. We were not looking to pass off these stories as our own.

Although many will see this as minor and trivial, we do not. We take honesty and integrity seriously. This is the reason why we are running this immediate correction and apology.

This was brought to our attention by a reader and behind the cut below you will find the original email as well as the links to different sites that hosted the original pieces.

Thank you for your understanding.

-The Wayne Review Editorial Staff

To the editors...

Because the Wayne Review's mission statement commits it to "publishing an
intellectually honest journal of review that employs all facets of
journalistic integrity," I was surprised to see such blatant acts of
plagiarism on your "back end".

The Goran Markovic story was copied from the Australian Associated Press,
the "super toddler" story was copied from BBC News, the "Stacey's mom"
story was copied from the Associated Press, and the CIA sculpture story was
copied from Wired News (links to the proof are below).

Certain sentences were copied verbatim, and absolutely no citation is
present. Say what you will about the South End, but when they publish a
news report by another news organization, they let you know.

Jeffrey Czerniak
Senior, Mathematics,10117,12014552-13762,00.html,1284,66334,00.html

Friday, January 28, 2005

New Issue: January (v2i4)

The Newest Issue of the Wayne Review is out.

To get a PDF version email me: and I will send you one.
To get a hardcopy: Pick one up at Wayne State or email me for subscription costs.