Thursday, April 28, 2005


On Channel 4 in Detroit tonight, they highlighted the recent Michigan MEAP results.

The story, in summary, went as such:

-The MEAP scores were drastically low this year.
-Therefore State officials think it may have been made TOO HARD

HERE COMES THE DOOZEY (technical term):
-Officials are going to meet to determine how to RE-SCORE the tests.

Here is the translation of the above:

-Michigan Schools are performing just like the state economy: they are getting worse everyday.
-The test is obviously made the same way each year, but if they say it was made too hard this year it is a GREAT EXCUSE for the poor results.
-RE-Scoring the test is like applying a curve... even though many did horrible, they have to make it look like some kids did well, otherwise parents might start blaming the REAL PROBLEM... the administrators of the schools.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Extra Extra

The Wayne Review, Issue 5 ... has hit newstands and trashcans everywhere!

Check the usual paper pick-up places, and trashcans near them.... for the newest issue of the Wayne Review.

Let the "hate mail" commence.

The Future of Wayne conservatism.

New Members Respectively:

Wayne Conservative Union:

Emmett Thalmann

CU Board:
Joan Barrett, Gayle Mazurkiewicz

Wayne Review New Editor-in-Chief:
Emmett Thalmann

Editorial Staff:
Joan Barrett, Jason Loomis

WSU College Republicans

Nick Hawatmeh

Joanie Barrett

Rob Mahu

Jason Loomis

Students for Life:

Joanie Barrett

Vice Chair:
Gayle Mazurkiewicz

Phil McRoberts

Dianne Monaco

Conservative Spiritual Advisor:
M.C. Barsenas

Vigalante Guard:

Good luck to all the new officers!! Wayne State has finally seen a Conservative presence emerge on campus with quite a bit of gusto. Those of us leaving behind these groups look forward to seeing them have continued success and a those in charge leading a progression of the legacy we left behind.